Deciding on Water Birth? Here are the Key Considerations for Expectant Mothers


July 16, 2024

Many expectant mothers find the idea of a water birth delivery appealing because it involves labouring and delivering the baby in a warm water pool, which can reduce pain and provide a relaxing environment. However, not all pregnancies are well-suited for water birthing

To ensure the safety of both mother and baby, healthcare providers need to carefully consider 

several important factors. These include the mother’s health, any pregnancy complications, and the baby’s well-being. Let’s dive into the critical elements healthcare providers look at before recommending a water birth.

Maternal Health

Expectant mothers, who are in good health, have low-risk pregnancies, and do not have significant medical conditions are typically considered good candidates for a water birth. Key health indicators include:

  • Normal Blood Pressure: Elevated blood pressure or conditions such as preeclampsia (defined as gestational hypertension), can pose risks during a water birth, as they might require immediate medical interventions

  • No History of Cardiovascular or Respiratory Issues: Women with heart or lung conditions need continuous monitoring, which might not be feasible in a water birth setting

  • No Infectious Diseases: Conditions like active genital herpes or HIV are contraindications for water birth due to the risk of water contamination and transmission to the baby

Pregnancy Complications

Certain conditions might make a water birth less suitable. For instance, when a mother-to-be is expecting twins or more, the pregnancy needs extra attention, which might not be possible in a water birth setting.

In case of a breech birth, where the baby is positioned feet or bottom first instead of head first, a water birth is not viable.

Foetal Well-being

It’s crucial to prioritise the baby’s well-being before deciding on a water birth. This involves ensuring that the baby has a steady heart rate, indicating a healthy cardiovascular system, and is growing appropriately, which reflects overall health and development. If there are any uncertainties or concerns regarding the baby’s health, such as irregularities in the heart rate or inadequate growth, it could be wiser to consider alternative birthing methods that can provide the necessary medical support and interventions if needed.

The Role of Midwives and Doctors

Midwives play a crucial role throughout the water birth journey. At Aastrika Midwifery Centre, our trained midwives play a crucial role in assessing the suitability of each pregnancy. They carefully evaluate various factors to determine if the pregnancy is progressing optimally and work with doctors in assessing whether the water birth method of delivery is a viable option for the mother. As professional healthcare workers, midwives are equipped to manage unforeseen situations during labour and are prepared to intervene as needed. 

We believe that every mother-to-be’s choice is important and should be carefully considered when making decisions about labour. Her comfort is our priority. As a birth centre, we offer a nurturing environment where mothers can labour normally and intuitively. Our Sensory Birthing Suites are equipped with specialised labour and birth pools, allowing expectant mothers the choice to undergo water immersion and water birth delivery.

Water births can be a wonderful experience, an empowering one, but they require careful planning and consideration. The mother’s health, pregnancy complications, and baby’s well-being are key factors in determining whether a water birth is suitable. With the guidance and support of midwives and doctors, many women can safely enjoy the benefits of a water birth, welcoming their babies in a calm and embracing environment. 

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