Lactation Counselling and Breastfeeding Support
Lactation Counselling and Breastfeeding Support
At Aastrika, we are passionate about getting breastfeeding off to a good start and supporting mothers in their breastfeeding journey. We provide extensive breastfeeding support for all mothers who birth with us. We support the woman through the prenatal period in order to ensure she is well prepared. We also provide lactation consultations for any mother needing more specialized help. Our full-time paediatrician, Dr Aruna, is a trained lactation counsellor and addresses challenges like poor latch, nipple pain, slow weight gain, oversupply, choosing and using breast pumps, back to work feeding guidelines and gentle weaning, among others.

Respectful Newborn and Paediatric Care
Respectful Newborn and Paediatric Care
We provide a gentle, mindful and respectful approach to the baby at birth with minimal interventions and zero separation from parents unless medically indicated. We ensure delayed cord clamping, skin to skin care in the first golden hour, breast crawl and early exclusive breastfeeding. The baby’s well-being is monitored minutely, and parents are provided with all the support they need. We also offer paediatric services like vaccinations, growth monitoring, information on when and how to start solids and others. We also treat childhood illnesses and any other issues that may arise.

Postpartum Consultations
Postpartum Consultations
Postpartum consultations focus on the recovery of the mother after childbirth, and ensuring she is fully able to resume her regular activities. This includes healing from any surgery, perineum healing, breast care, resuming exercise, and advice on nutrition and rest. We discuss family planning and contraception. We can also provide referrals for additional mental health counselling support or physiotherapy, if needed.
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